I Got A Knee Replacement. Why Do I Still Have Pain?

You thought your troubles were behind you. You waited for as long as you could before you got the surgery, dealing with the pain until you just couldn’t anymore.

You did it! You went under the knife. Pain gone!

Wait! What’s that I feel? Yes, the knee is still painful. It’s feels different, sure, but the pain is still there.

You trust the doctors did the right thing when you were out. You believe all is well with the knee, but… something’s off. Why is there ANY pain after everything you just went through with your knee?

Everyone’s recovery from a total knee replacement is going to be different. Why?

Because we all experience trauma differently.

We each have different levels of pain tolerance and expectations.

And, our bodies are different.

Your bone density, muscle and tendon strength, cardiovascular health, etc plays a role in how well and how fast you recover. And yet, it’s possible you can do everything right and still have pain. But why?

State Anxiety.

Let me elaborate. There’s a lot of Fear, Worrying, and Catastrophizing after a total knee replacement.

These things can play a role in how some people perceive exercises and movements as threats to their knee’s.

Even if the threat is completely fabricated and your knee is moving in the right direction, doing great, you can still experience chronic knee pain after total knee surgery because your nervous system’s sensitivity is heightened, letting you know about every short hair in the front if your knee.

If this sounds like you, you might want to check out this video I created about desensitizing the nerves. I’ve included interventions you may see in a physiotherapy clinic.

I’m curious about what you all think.

Let me know how these interventions worked for you.

Best of luck!

How To Eliminate Pain After Total Knee Replacement – Finally